We have a blank canvas to paint your IT future. We’re going to leap at this chance, pontificate a little and then project what your future could look like. Our Approach Works We eschew the big bang IT approach because it doesn’t work. Organizations evolve, passive-aggressive change resistance is real and a future vision without technology is naive. Our approach …

Our integration services tackle successive small projects that deliver “bite sized” functionalities. This minimizes change resistance, builds confidence and gets your staff involved in IT development. Our approach favors evolution over revolution and is a proven approach to build lasting organization change. Our clients love these small special projects. They provide agility, confidence and value. There are 3 reasons for …

CEO Global Network Interview   1. What inspired you to start Quartet Service? I bought Quartet and restructured it to reflect my IT services vision. I had a pretty good idea of what business owners wanted from IT and was inspired by the running start Quartet provided for building that kind of company.   2. What was one of the …

I sent this letter to our staff this week. It introduces a couple of consultants we’ve hired to drive change at Quartet. All organizations struggle with change and consultants can be invaluable. They are objective, experienced and knowledgeable, but it’s their role as change catalysts that’s unique.  They can drive change by being just slightly removed from the action and coaching …

This March break my wife and I took our children to Japan to visit some old friends and get reacquainted with the country. The service standards there are remarkable and we have adopted many of their service principles at Quartet. However, what I was really reminded of, is just how difficult the language is. I worked very hard at it …

Disruptive technologies only keep a few of you up at night, but please read on anyway. I’ll explain what they are, outline what Quartet is doing about them and reassure you that you should continue to sleep well. Disruptive technologies are the quintessential better mousetraps that come along in virtually every industry. They change the nature of the industry, leading …

The Peter Principle states that organizations get hamstrung by promoting people until they’re incompetent. If you’re not incompetent now, you’ll get promoted until you are. Companies get littered with disillusioned, incompetent staff and eventually corporate rot sets in. The Peter Principle sure isn’t a new idea, but we all still have to guard against it and no industry is immune …

An Unsolicited Pitch For years I’ve been hearing that we have to get our “elevator pitch” perfect. We’ve had consultants in and we’ve tried all sorts of clever lines about what we do, but nothing really seems to stick. However, late at night I sometimes dream about getting stuck in an elevator with a group of prospects. Here is what …

My dad made fruit juice for a living and he loved it. One day as we drove down the highway together, one of his trucks passed by with just two words painted on the side: Pure Juice. Now they were 15 ft purple letters, but I still kidded him about what sort of marketing genius it took to dream that …

Coming back from hockey practice last week one of my daughters made the mistake of asking me what I did in high school. I got a little carried away with my answer I guess because 20 minutes later she stumbled glassy-eyed from the car vowing never again to ask me for guidance. The essence of my answer was that many …